June 26, 2013

Strudel Dough AND Filling

I only remember having a strudel at McDonalds, once. Plus I was real little, like, I can barely remember this. So I kept hearing things about strudels. Strudel this, strudel that, etc. I finely got myself on the computer and found this. BUT, it didn’t come with a strudel filling recipe. So I went to Cooks.com, cuz (yes I’m using poor spelling) I had enough of allrecipes for right then. And I found an apple filling. I didn’t use apples. I used labu siam (chayote) which can be a substitute for apple whenever. Great, right? I got the strudel recipe from here, http://allrecipes.com/recipe/strudel-dough/. Apparently I can’t find the filling recipe on Cooks.com. But here it is anyway.

        Strudel Dough
2½ cups all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon white sugar
3 eggs
3 tablespoons oil
¼ cup water (maybe less)
        AND Filling
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
½ cup and 3 Tablespoons white sugar
3 cups uncooked labu siam (chayote)

·         STRUDEL DOUGH: In a large bowl, sift flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix sugar, eggs, and 2 Tablespoons oil in a small bowl.
·         Mix in about half the water. Knead into a soft dough using more of the water if needed.
·         Cover the dough while you make the filling.
·         Roll the dough out into a rectangle, the long way away from you,
·         FILLING: Put the labu siam, sugar, and cinnamon in a pot. Put on the heat and stir til’ bubbling. Cool for a couple minutes before spreading on the rolled out dough.
·         Preheat oven to 225C (400F).
·         ***Spread the filling while making a straight line, leaving equal amount of room on either side. Now with a knife, cut lots of strips on one side. Repeat this on the other side. Now on the right side, take on strip a fold it over to the left side. Do the same with the left side. Repeat all the way up.***
·         Bake for 30 mins.

***** Tip. Do this on the pan you plan to cook it on so you don’t have to move it to the pan and watch it break in half. J   

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