May 15, 2013

Dill Pickles

I thought, ‘hmmm, I think it’s time for another snack.’ And that’s what I ‘m doing! This recipe is from a friend in Papua, we’ve only made this once. But they are so good. They taste like pickles you got from the store. And they’re pretty easy to make (YES!!!). But I all most DIED when my mom said they had to cool for 24 HOURS!!! I could probably make these on my own, BUT since it was the first time my mom made them and I helped. Here it is.

        Dill Pickles
6 cucumbers, sliced or speared
½ of a small onion
3 cloves garlic
3½ cup water
½ cup vinegar
¼ cup salt (WOW!!!!)
2 Tablespoon dill weed
1 teaspoon turmeric

·         Place cut cucumbers in a large container (we used a large Lock’n’lock). Cut the garlic and onion very small or to your desire. Add to the cucumbers.
·         Mix the water, vinegar, salt, and turmeric together and bring to a boil. Once it comes to a boil, turn the heat off. Add the dill weed and stir. Pour over cucumbers, garlic, and onion.
·         The cucumbers should be covered with the water mixture.
·         Let cool in the fridge for 24 hours.


  1. That looks sooo good! I've made pickles once, but it takes sooooo long to make. *Sigh* It's making me so hungry, even though I just ate lunch!

    1. They ARE SOOOO GOOD, Hannah! I TOTALLY know! I made them again about a week ago, this time by myself ;), TOTALLY HAPPY! Haha... Makes me hungry too.


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      Abrielle Lindsay


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sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24