May 8, 2013

Skillet Tacos

When you make this you might look at it and go, ‘bbllick!’ This is exactly what I thought when I saw dinner one night. This is what al my sibs. thought. But then you taste and can’t stop eating it. I’m serious. We did below and we finished it all. I’ll tell you this makes a lot. We or I ate this with white rice, tomato, cheese, and sour cream, but you’re welcome to eat this with whatever. My mom got this from And here is what we did.

        Skillet Tacos
1 kilo (2 pounds) ground beef
One 6oz can tomato sauce
One 6oz can tomato paste
1 pack of Taco seasoning (we have people send these)
2 cups refried beans (or 2 cans)
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
180g tortilla chips, (you can make these) crushed, optional
  •   In a skillet cook ground beef until browned and cooked through.
  • Add tomato sauce, paste, taco seasoning, and beans. Cook over medium low heat for 5 minutes to blend flavors.
  • Stir in cheese and crushed tortilla chips.

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sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24