May 15, 2013

Cake and Icing

CAKE, yummm! I’ve never known anyone who does NOT like cake. Of course if I ever do meet anybody that does not like cake, I just might faint. I think this recipe came from a friend that’s in Bandung. And the icing came from off the internet (DUHH). We used it to do our Jesus Birthday cake when our package didn’t get here in time. This tasted pretty good, but nowhere as good as a box cake does! Anywho, here it is.

        Master Cake Mix
4½ cups flour
1/8 cup baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
11/8 cups *Lard thing* (come on you people in Indonesia, you know what I’m talking about) or Blue Band
        White Cake
2 cups Master Cake Mix
¼ cup white sugar
½ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 egg whites that have been beaten 2-4 mins.
        Chocolate Cake
2 cups Master Cake Mix
1 cup sugar
5 Tablespoons cocoa powder
3 Tablespoon oil
2/3 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg, beaten
        Butter Cream Icing
½ cup *Lard thing*
½ cup (half block) butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
2 Tablespoons milk

·         MASTER CAKE MIX: Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut in Lard thing.
·         WHITE CAKE: Mix together Master Cake Mix and sugar.
·         Preheat oven to 175C (350F).
·         Add milk, vanilla, and egg whites and beat til’ well mixed.
·         Grease and flour 2 round 9in pans. Pour the batter in the pans.
·         Bake for 30 mins.
·         CHOCOLATE CAKE: Mix together the Master Cake Mix and sugar.
·         Keep the oven on at the same temp.
·         Add cocoa, oil, water, vanilla, and egg. Beat til’ well mixed.
·         Grease and flour 2 MORE round 9in pans.
·         Bake in the preheated oven for 30 mins.
·         ICING: Cream together Lard thing and butter in a mixer. Add vanilla.
·         Gradually add the powdered sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed.
·         Scrape the sides of the bowl of and on (I bet you would do that even if I hadn’t put it on).
·         When all the sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry. Add milk and beat at same speed til’ light and fluffy.

**Lard thing comes in plastic and you can find it almost anywhere.


  1. Uh.... I'm sorry to say (especially after seeing this awesome cake recipe) that I don't like cake. Of course, I AdORE the icing... but cake was never my thing. Kinda sad, because once, on my birthday, we were doing this camp thing, and they bought this whole chocolate cake for me, but I didn't like cake! I didn't tell them that, so I just had to "grin and bear it" through eating a whole huge slice of chocolate cake... too rich for me. ANyway, I'm sure I'd like this cake better!

    1. Perfectly fine, Hannah! My mom doesn't like very, very rich cake. That's a funny story!! Sounds fun, not liking the cake, being at camp! What year was that? And this cake isn't too rich at all. Well, at least that's what I think. Thanks for commenting!

      ~Abrielle Lindsay


Gracious words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24